The downturn in the commodity economy will thus have a multiplied effect on the consumer economy and the Russian standard of living. 因此,大宗商品经济的低迷将对消费经济以及俄罗斯生活水平产生多重影响。
Along with the expansion of capitalism in the world, China was involved in the tide of global commodity economy in modern times and that made the tottering feudal dynasty shocked unprecedentedly. 随着资本主义在全球的扩张,中国在近代被卷入了世界商品经济的大潮之中,这使本来就摇摇欲坠的封建王朝受到了空前绝后的冲击。
Rational individualism is not a reflection of the commodity economy, but a inevitable result of commodity economy under capitalism. 合理个人主义不是商品经济的反映,而是资本主义私有制商品经济的必然。
With the increase in welfare economy and the decline in commodity economy, social development can be divided into four periods, and will finally step into a welfare period of distribution on the basis of one's need. 福利经济的增长和商品经济的消亡使社会发展可定量地划分为四个阶段,最终进入完全按需分配的福利社会阶段。
Therefore, the design of the status of the commodity economy is important. 因此,设计在商品经济中的地位是举足轻重的。
Socialism and the commodity economy, the market economy are not accommodating. 社会主义与商品经济、市场经济是不相容的。
To establish at a preliminary level a new system of socialist planned commodity economy. 初步建立社会主义计划商品经济新体制。
Modern market economy is the mixed economy of the commodity economy and non-commodity economy. 现代市场经济是商品经济和非商品经济的混合经济。
The main economic form in current China is a commodity economy. 当今中国的主要经济形式是商品经济。
Although the Da Hang belong to the darker side of society, but it also revealed the development of commodity economy inJiangnan. 打行虽然属于社会阴暗现象,但这一现象从反面揭示了江南商品经济的发展程度。
Real estate mortgage is an important guarantee form in commodity economy. 不动产抵押是商品经济发展的一种重要担保方式,素有担保之王的美称。
Under the commodity economy, the existence of the wholesale business is objective and inevitable. 在商品经济条件下,批发业的存在是客观的并有其存在的必然性。
The duality of machinery and commodity economy. 机器体系的两重性与商品经济。
Listed companies are commodity economy develops to a certain stage of the product is the product of human society from the economy to economic restructuring credit of the important signs. 上市公司是商品经济发展到一定阶段的产物,是人类社会由产品经济向信用经济转型的重要标志。
From the perspective of the overlap of economic history and social history, the present thesis makes an analysis of the famines and discovers that famines affect greatly the formation of the labor market, the abnormal prosperity of commodity economy and the intensified aggression of the foreign economy. 摘要从经济史和社会史交叉的视野切入,分析灾荒,可见其对劳动力市场的形成、商品经济的畸形繁荣、外来经济入侵加剧等有着重要的作用。
Capitalist economy is an outcome of full? Developed commodity economy. 资本主义经济是商品经济充分发展的产物。
The joint operation of agriculture, industry and commerce on the Basis of agriculture with the view of promoting the development of the urBan and rural commodity economy are our company's thinking on development. 以农业为基础,农工商联合经营,促进城乡商品经济发展,是本公司发展思路。
In the society of commodity economy, science-technological labor is an entia of contradiction between private labor and social labor. 在商品经济社会中,科技劳动是私人劳动和社会劳动的矛盾统一体。
With the development of commodity economy, it becomes more and more difficult or even unable to determine the socially necessary labor time, thus arising new definitions of the traditional economic terms concerning commodity value. 摘要随着商品经济的发展,生产单位商品所需要的社会必要劳动时间将变得越来越难以计算,甚至无法计算,由此,必须对传统的与商品价值相关的一些经济范畴进行新的审视。
The rapid development of commodity economy in the era of advertising in people's lives everywhere. 在迅猛发展的商品经济时代,广告在人们的生活中无处不在。
The development of commodity economy is an important factor for social changes. 商品经济的发展是社会变革的一个重要因素。
In chapter I, I analyze the general trends of social and economic changes taking place in the sixteenth century and conclude the chapter with a detailed discussion of the rapid growth of commodity economy in Fukien and kiangsi. 第一章,我分析了十六世纪社会和经济变化的一般趋势,并以福建和广西商品经济快速发展的详细探讨终章。
Commodity economy embodies the production level of human society. 商品经济集中代表着人类社会生产力的发展水平。
So as to serve the development of a planned commodity economy. 为发展有计划的商品经济服务。
Song Dynasty Commodity Economy Development Impact on Social Consciousness and Urban Culture 宋代商品经济的发展对社会意识及城市文化的影响
However, its existing condition in the stage of simple commodity economy and that of socialized commodity economy after capitalist mode of production was established are different. 它在资本主义生产方式确立之前的简单商品经济阶段和资本主义生产方式确立以来的社会化商品经济阶段存在的条件及由此而产生的特点,是不同的。
This synchronism makes the marketing towns become more and more important in developing rural commodity economy in the west part of the Loess Plateau. 这种同步性使集镇在黄土高原西部地区农村商品经济发展中的地位变得愈来愈重要。
Miao compatriots, driven by strong external force of rapid commodity economy development, are experiencing increasingly quick and fierce spiritual migration and cultural fission. 岜沙苗族同胞在商品经济快速发展的强大外力推动下,正在经历更加快猛的精神迁徒和文化裂变。
Socialist Economy Should Be a Commodity Economy More Developed and Perfect Than Capitalism 社会主义经济应当是比资本主义更发达、更完善的商品经济
Relations of a developed commodity economy 发达的商品经济关系